Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Innu Nation Elects New Leaders Amid Addiction Worries

I invite you all to read the article entitled "Innu Nation Elects New Leaders Amid Addicton Worries", found on CBC.ca. The article is located here.

The article covers the recent election, which resulted in Prote Poker becoming the new Grand Chief of Natuashish. It also delves into the issues with addiction in the community; there is some finger pointing that other candidates were buying votes with alcohol that was smuggled into the town. The election is considered a win for progress in the community, as Poker was one of the main voices in having the community declared dry. 

A recreation co-ordinator in the community weighs in on the cause of the social problems, particularly gas huffing by the youth, in the community by pointing to the parents. She states that parents will tell their children to participate in activities at the recreation center, but won't accompany their children there or be seen in the building. 

Two politicians weigh in and state that the move from Davis Inlet (Utshimassit) has not cured the community of their social woes and state the importance of government funding in helping to renew the community.

The article itself lacks in covering the history of the community prior to Utshimassit, as far back as two centuries ago when European settlers first arrived in what is now known as Canada. It also fails to point out the failing legislation and the historical lack of government support. Of most concern, however, is the first comment on the article:
Sorry Lorraine and Yvonne but it is time for these people to take care of and responsability for themselves. The provinve cannot be hels responsible for their actions.
The author of the comment clearly believes that the Innu are responsible for their current situation, ignoring the historical, political, and social context of their oppression and disenfranchisement. The author also believes that the Canadian and Newfoundland government are now absolved of their fiduciary and financial responsibilities towards the Innu people following centuries of willful blindness and malicious negligence. What is even more shocking is that the comment received 215 thumbs up and only 62 thumbs down, clearly stating the overwhelming triumph of narratives stating that the Native people of Canada are responsible for their own problems, and the idea that their problems are completely separate from the development of Canada. This ideological notion is extremely harmful to the fostering of Native development.

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